Have fun and become a pro at functional programming

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This book is about FP. What that again? That's right functional programming. The new paradigm that is taking the programming world by storm and seems to strongly compete with the OOP dominance of the previous decades.

Languages like Elm, Haskell, Erlang or PureScript are taking the world by storm, while some other languages like Scala, Swift or Cotling try to give developers more freedom to chose the paradigm that they want to programm with. JS is a member of the latter group and allows for both styles of programming.

While I would prefer a true functional language like Haskell or Elm, wherever I can, I know that sometimes there are no ways around JS in your legacy browser app or the old node server you have been maintaining for a while. This book tells you to take the napkin of functional programming and whipe the crumbs of object orientation off the corners of your mouth. Buckle up and enjoy the ride.

More fun with FunPro

funpro is a small lib to bring some of the pleasantries of functional programming to JS including union types, pattern matching and Task for async and IO. Of course you it also brings you Functors, Applicatives and Monads but these are really just fancy mathematical terms for some functionality that some of the types possess. It is inspired by things like Elm, Haskell and Foltale and I would highly recommend using it alongside something cool like Ramda.

^ links are missing

Are you familiar with basic functional programming and do you know these concepts:

  • Pure functions
  • Currying and partial function applications
  • (Hindley-Milner) type signatures
  • Data Immutable data

If not take a look at the great Mostly adequate guide to Functional Programming.

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